

People residing in Abkhazia and Tskhinvali regions can benefit from the Immunization Program free of charge.


Scope of the Program:


Immunization is the most effective means of prevention of infectious diseases, which provides free vaccination. The Program includes vaccination against diseases and immunization of target groups, namely:


  • Vaccination against tuberculosis (BCG)
  • Vaccination against B hepatitis (hepatitis B)
  • Diphtheria, whooping cough (acellular), tetanus, Haemophilus influenzae type b, poliomyelitis (inactivated), hepatitis B vaccination (Hexa)
  • Diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus revaccination (dkt, dt, td)
  • Diphtheria - pertussis (non-acellular) - tetanus/inactivated poliomyelitis (vaccinate)
  • Revaccination against poliomyelitis (oral vaccine, OPV)
  • Measles, rubella, mumps vaccination (vaccination)
  • Vaccine against pneumococcal infection (pneumo)
  • Vaccination against rotavirus infection (oral vaccine, Rota)
  • Vaccination against human papillomavirus (HPV)


Vaccination of target groups includes:


  • Vaccination against B Hepatitis for people belonging to the high risk group of infection (people on dialysis, people suffering from hemophilia, drug addicts who use injecting drugs, people with MSM, people suffering from HIV infection/AIDS and hepatitis C, medical personnel, students of medical institutions, family members of a person infected with B hepatitis, a person exposed to a source of B hepatitis infection, persons involved in B hepatitis diagnostic services with a negative result of surface antigen and antibody testing);
  • Vaccination against pneumococcal infection for people aged 65 years and older with chronic diseases (hypertension, ischemic heart disease, diabetes, diabetes, asthma and other forms of respiratory failure) and also for people suffering from cystic fibrosis (regardless of age);
  • Conducting "cleaning" rounds of the human papillomavirus vaccine in women aged 13-45 years;
  • Vaccination against human papillomavirus in the age group of 10 - 26 year old boys.


Engagement in the Program and documents to be submitted:


To engage in the Program a person residing in Abkhazia and Tskhinvali regions should:  

  • Possess a personal identification number granted as result of registration; or
  • Possess a neutral ID (SNID) or neutral travel document (SNTD).


To receive medical services, patient should apply to any medical institution indicated on this website: 


Program Funding:


Services provided by the Program are fully funded and do not require any co-payment from a beneficiary. 


+ Patients


+ Million $ Funding